Kategorie-Archive: Events

Interview with Adventurer Pauline Pichlmair

SWOX Athlete Spotlight: Pauline Pichlmair Meet Pauline Pichlmair, an adventurous mountain sports enthusiast from Bavaria, Germany, now thriving in Innsbruck, Austria. Growing up with active parents near the mountains, hiking and biking were part of her childhood. But it wasn’t until her twenties that she discovered her true passion for trail running. From the rugged …

Interview with Pro Surfer Camilla Kemp

SWOX Athlete Camilla Kemp: Camilla Kemp is a professional surfer from Cascais, Portugal, with a unique blend of German and Portuguese heritage. Over the past 16 years, she’s built an impressive career, honing her skills on the powerful waves of Praia do Guincho, her home break. Known for her dynamic surfing style and signature layback …

Rapid Surfing: Deutsche Meisterschaft 19. und 20. September 2020, Berlin

Rapid Surfing Deutsche Meisterschaft Janina Zeitler

Am 19. & 20. September 2020 richten der Deutsche Wellenreitverband und das Wellenwerk Berlin die zweite offizielle Deutsche Meisterschaft im Rapid Surfing aus. Dabei ist SWOX Sun Protection als offizieller Sponsor und mit zahlreichen SWOX Athleten vertreten. Beim Rapid Surfen wird auf einer künstlichen Wellen in einem Fluss oder Pool gesurft. Dabei ist die gesurfte …

SWOX collaborates with BMW Motorcycles

SWOX and BMW motorcycles continue their partnership in 2020. The BMW SWOX Scrambler RnineT is the perfect fusion of the two brands. Surfer and motorcycle enthusiast alike are driven by passion and aspiration for endless freedom